Terassi aikaa olla valmiin näköinen. Täytyi siis laitella kukkasia tilaa viimeistelemään.
The porchellation looks complete, so I hanged some flowers to give the final touch.

Inside there are three main functions. The biggest is the sofa + table. An electric fireplace is really needed in during the Finnish summer.

The second function is the grill.
Kolmas toiminto on keinu, suosikkini. Huomaa kukat keinun päällä. Miten keinu kestää kuivana, kun kukkia kastellaan?
The third function is the swing, my favorite. Notice the flower pots on the swing. How does the swing stay dry then watering the flowers?

The secret is in the plates. The lower one is screwed to the swing. So it has holes the excess water could use to wet the swing. But the upper one is intact keeping the water.

The old marquess used to be rain protection, but now it is a nice sun protection.

I found a box of old rusty iron stuff. Earlier I have show some of them. The newest in use are this kind of two things whose original use is unknown to me. But installed like this the flower pot was easy to be hanged from the smaller hole.

Luonnollisia pöytäkoristeita metsästä.
Natural table decorations from the woods.
Sininen täysin tyyliiin sopimaton tynnyri kerää katolta sadevedet. Ylimenevät johdetaan oikealta putkia myöten marjapensaille.
The blue barrel collects the rain water. Excess is run with tubes to the berry bushes.