We needed a cleaner's cupboard upstairs in our actual living area. But there was no space for that. Then I noticed that when moving our big book shelf a bit, there opened a small space in the corner.
The space is small, there is a lot of stuff and the sofa is in the front of the cupboard, the cupboard had to be really lightweight. The door was made out of a curtain.
Meidän kolme pystyimuria piti saada mahtumaan komeroon. Jokaiselle tuli oma hyllynsä. Lisäksi sähköt piti saada kaikille imureille.
Our three vacuum cleaners needed a space, each got a shelf, and an electrical outlet.
Sain aikaisiksi valkoisen siivouskomeron. Mutta se oli rehellisesti sanoen kamalan tylsän näköinen. Onneksi nurkista löytyi muutama spreymaalipurkki :)
I managed to create a white cleaner's cupboard. But honestly it looked really boring. Fortunately there were spray paint bottles near :)
Yläosassa ovat imuritarvikkeet.
Lopputuloksen näkee kuvan keskeltä.
And the final result is in the middle of the picture.